Break up that fallow ground

I am so excited spring is here. I’ve been making good use of my greenhouse my husband spent so much time and effort on. I’ve tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, sweet peas, lettuce, and few flowers, wave petunias. My husband has tilled up the garden a couple of times, so it is ready to go. He started green beans today. Boy, there is nothing like a fresh picking of green beans and potatoes for supper.

Spring is a beautiful time of the year. Time to get rid of the dead things and make way for the new and beautiful. As I was pulling some weeds that have already pushed up through fallow ground; it was as if I heard the Lord several different time say to me ” break up that fallow ground”. It is easy at times for us to let down our guard and allow evil seeds to be planted in our hearts. Such as bitterness, greed, pride only to name a few. It creeps in a little at a time and before you know it your heart is all wrapped up with evil roots.

It’s spring time to do some spring cleaning. Get rid of the cobwebs and nasty roots, and break up that fallow ground. Ask God to search your heart and to show you where you have allowed sin to creep in. Then pray and repent and take back the ground you had given to the adversary.

Jeremiah4:3″ Break up your unplowed ground and do not sow among thorns”

“Hosea 10:12 Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers righteousness on you”

Search my heart my heart O God, make it ever true. Search my heart O God, may I be like you.


Peggy Cheek


I am married with 2 adult children, and 4 beautiful grandchildren. I have been in nursing for 30 plus years. I grew up having a lot of emotional pain, shame, and doubt that I would ever have anything significant, or anyone who loved. God has taken that away for me, and is transforming me. I want to lead you to the healing God has instore for you as well.

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